He Yi's story begins in a remote village in the hometown of pandas. The place is surrounded by mountains and has poor transportation, as if it is isolated from the world. The muddy roads in the village become muddy every time it rains, and you have to go home with a foot full of mud after each trip. The villagers have been farmers for generations, and He Yi's parents are no exception, as they are said to be teachers. Farming, harvesting, wind and sun are all normal life.

He Yi grew up in this barren land. The hardships and limitations of life were like invisible shackles that bound her steps tightly. However, this girl was unwilling to accept her fate. She was more restless than other children of the same age, or in other words, she was stubborn and wanted to escape. This stubbornness came from nowhere, perhaps from the stories that the old teacher in the village had told in class, or from some strange stories from other villages occasionally. In short, a seed of dissatisfaction with the status quo was planted in He Yi's heart.

Her parents did not try to stop her, perhaps because they knew that their daughter's heart was no longer on this land. Life in the village was ordinary, like flowing water, day after day. The seedlings in the fields would grow, and the crops would be harvested, but these had little to do with He Yi's future life. The power in her heart had already pushed her to the outside world.

Leaving hometown and entering the city

On the day He Yi left the village, she took a simple bag and got on a bus to the city. Although the road in the village was narrow and winding, she knew that this road would lead her to a completely different world. That world had a city scene with tall buildings and busy traffic, and wide streets that were no longer muddy paths. That world was no longer a place for labor, but a stage for struggle and opportunity.

In the city, He Yi became a TV host with her hard work and intelligence. At first, she just stood in front of the screen, reporting news that had nothing to do with her with a sweet smile and standard Mandarin. The audience appreciated her smile, but He Yi knew in her heart that this was not the destination she wanted. She knew that she had greater ambitions, like seeds buried in her heart, waiting for the right time to break through the ground.

But she was not in a hurry to act. She quietly accumulated her experience and connections, like a farmer patiently waiting for the arrival of spring, carefully tending the seeds in her heart.

Meeting Binance, a turning point in fate

The turning point of fate often comes inadvertently. The wave of the Internet era hit, and the integration of technology and finance quickly cut through the traditional economic structure like a sharp knife. Blockchain and cryptocurrency, in the hands of those young technical people, gradually turned from an unfamiliar concept into reality. And He Yi, in this wave, was pushed to the forefront of the times by fate.

In 2017, He Yi met Zhao Changpeng, the founder of Binance. At that time, Binance was just a newly established small startup, unknown, like a small fish struggling desperately in the tide. However, He Yi saw the potential in this small fish - she saw not only an opportunity to make money, but also a possibility to completely change the global financial system.

So, she joined Binance with her intuition and courage. Rather than joining, it is better to say that she coexists and grows with this digital revolution. She is responsible for marketing and global business development. The little girl from the countryside who is curious about the world is now at the forefront of the global market, playing games and cooperating with countless investors and technology giants. She is no longer the country girl who walked out of the muddy road. She has become the leader in the global cryptocurrency field and a symbol of an era.

Dilemma and breakthrough

However, things never go as smoothly as imagined. Binance's rapid development has attracted the attention of regulators from all over the world. The market is turbulent and policies are unpredictable. He Yi must always stay calm and use her wisdom and experience to deal with these challenges. In the face of doubts and scrutiny from governments around the world, she stood up and walked towards the future as firmly as when she left the village.

At this time, He Yi's figure seemed to overlap with the land of her hometown. She was still walking on an uncertain road, with wind and rain and thorns everywhere. But the difference was that she was no longer the girl who could only passively accept her fate. She had tools and wisdom in her hands, and more importantly, she had the courage and belief to lead the company to break through.

New starting point: Under high pressure, Binance must embrace global regulation

Today, Binance has become more cautious and has begun to fully respond to the pressure of global regulation, taking compliance as the core of its strategy. Instead of retreating due to setbacks, Binance has moved towards a broader global market. Binance led by He Yi is a brand new Binance, and it is also a Binance covered in mud while embracing regulation. Can this crypto queen who came out of the muddy road in the countryside use her wisdom and tenacity again to lead Binance out of the regulatory dilemma and build a full-scale compliant cryptocurrency platform to meet future challenges?

He Yi's story is not simply an inspirational story of rising from poverty to success. She is like a microcosm of an era, a brave individual who has walked through the muddy paths of rural China, passed through the hustle and bustle of the city, and finally stood at the forefront of global technology and finance.

There is no road in the world, but when more people walk on it, it becomes a road. He Yi is the one who walked out of her own road. She took every step firmly and decisively, leaving the mud behind her, and her eyes had already penetrated the layers of fog and looked at the wider world in the distance. $BTC $BNB $ETH

#BNB金鏟子 @Yi He @CZ