Guo Hongcai, this name is well-known in the cryptocurrency circle. He was born in a merchant family in Pingyao, Shanxi. His family was well-off, but he was not gifted with the talent for studying. This boy, who was unwilling to settle down since childhood, seemed destined to take a path that others could not understand.

The first decision in life

Failure in the college entrance examination seemed to be a natural thing for him. He held the report card with 300 points without any ripples in his heart, and his parents had long been accustomed to his "achievements". Guo Hongcai didn't want to be like other people of his age, living an ordinary life without doing anything, so he decided to go to Beijing. His father gave him 10,000 yuan, which might not be a big deal at the time, but it was all Guo Hongcai needed to start.

300 points in the college entrance examination, free classes at top university Tsinghua University

In Beijing, he audited Tsinghua University's courses, like a crow that strayed into an ivory tower, not belonging there, but still craving for the warmth there. He made a living by burning CDs every day. For three years, he attended classes, burned CDs, and sold CDs. The days passed silently like flowing water, but his restless heart was never at peace. Guo Hongcai knew in his heart that he did not belong to a corner of this ivory tower. What he needed was not knowledge, but an opportunity that could make him turn the world upside down.

I met my wife during the trip, and my fate began to change.

The failure of his business came as expected, as fast as a mountain wind, but it did not knock Guo Hongcai down. He continued on his way and even chose to travel around China by bicycle. Perhaps in the eyes of others, this was a meaningless wandering, but in Guo Hongcai's heart, it was a gamble of fate. During the journey, he met Jin Yangyang, a top student from Sichuan Agricultural University. She was different from Guo Hongcai, steady and intelligent, but she chose to follow this seemingly hopeless man.

From Pingyao Beef to Bitcoin

They returned to Shanxi and started a Pingyao beef business. Guo Hongcai went out early and came back late every day, like an ant working non-stop, repeating a life he was not willing to live. He knew that such days would not last long. In 2013, the Bitcoin storm arrived, and fate smiled at Guo Hongcai again. It was an inconspicuous night when Jin Yangyang accidentally heard about Bitcoin and told Guo Hongcai the news.

Crazy Mortgage Stud Bitcoin

Guo Hongcai seized this opportunity keenly. He began to buy Bitcoin crazily, even mortgaging his house for a loan (which is quite similar to CZ). This madness made others think that he had lost his mind, but in Guo Hongcai's heart, he saw the future wealth. During that time, he lived like a grasshopper hanging on the edge of a knife, always ready to be cut off by the blade of fate. Many people laughed at him and called him a "crazy man in the currency circle", but Guo Hongcai ignored it. The value of Bitcoin finally began to rise, and Guo Hongcai jumped up, sold at the highest point, and became a billionaire in the blink of an eye. However, the gift of fate is always accompanied by ridicule. In 2018, the country banned the ICO project, and Guo Hongcai's investment in it also went down the drain. Those who once trusted him cried like crows, and Guo Hongcai boarded a plane to the United States. Guo Hongcai did not misjudge the trend of Bitcoin, but he played a bigger gamble on the ICO project.

Guo Hongcai's life is like a satire. The businessman who came out of the Pingyao beef stall became a celebrity in the cryptocurrency circle by relying on the opportunities given by fate. Every step he took seemed crazy, but he always caught the tail of fate. But, did Guo Hongcai's success come from his natural insight or from the mockery of fate? Perhaps he himself did not know. In the end, this Shanxi businessman left for a foreign country with his tens of billions of wealth and the scolding of the public. And this drama did not have a clear ending. $BTC $ETH $BNB

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