Thirteen has been instilling risk awareness in everyone since he started writing articles in the square.

In the currency circle, any high-yield investment is a scam, without exception.

Recently, many people who invest in the over-the-counter market in the currency circle are almost all seeking rights protection. In fact, rights protection is useless. All transactions are through U, which is not recognized.

We can invest by ourselves, but we need to bear the risks ourselves.

Some friends just don’t listen to advice. Even if Thirteen has warned everyone countless times in the article, there are still people who choose to believe that the scammer can lead him to the road of wealth freedom.

Thirteen has been in the currency circle for a long time and has accumulated a lot of wealth in the middle, but now I am still struggling. Why?

It’s because I was also a victim, and a big boss-level figure ran away directly.

Thirteen has no way but to start from scratch.

You can look around. How many first-level investment groups in the currency circle have become rights protection groups? Have the project parties or scammers run away with the money?

When someone approaches you intentionally and keeps showing off their earnings, doubling today and making another 50,000 tomorrow...

Many young friends who are not deeply involved in the matter are tempted. From the moment you are tempted, your money is basically gone.

The coin circle is amazing. The free ones are always the most expensive.

Many young friends are very entangled and worried when they enter the circle, but they are very happy when they choose the free circle, thinking that they can get it for free.

But in the end, they often suffer heavy losses.

We all overestimate our own determination.

I hope that when choosing quanzi, everyone will follow the thirteen qun as a template, update it for a long time, clearly mark the price, and guarantee that there will be no other charges, including but not limited to leading fans to invest in local dogs, crowdfunding first-level project quotas, etc.

Thirteen is aiming to do it for more than ten years.

So, I am extremely careful every step I take, and I will never cross the line. Even if the market is not good now and my income is basically cut off, I will not forget my original intention.

According to the income of a middle-level white-collar worker, I have reached the standard.

Enough, not greedy.

I live a law-abiding and good life and feel content.