1. The annual depreciation rate of RMB is about 6%-8%, and the depreciation trend of RMB has accelerated in recent years. If the interest rate or investment income is lower than 8%, it will be difficult to maintain purchasing power.

2. Diamonds. As soon as artificial diamonds appeared, their prices immediately plummeted. Especially in the past two years, artificial diamonds have entered the market in large numbers, causing a huge impact on the natural diamond market. Consumers believe that artificial diamonds are essentially diamonds in terms of their physical and chemical structure, and are more "clean" and do not have the risk of "blood diamonds". More importantly, artificial diamonds are cheaper. Under the turbulent global economy, saving money is the top priority, and natural diamonds are therefore facing a huge crisis.

3. Platinum, which is not valuable in itself, is all about speculation. The main reason for the decline in the value preservation of platinum is that it is difficult to process, resulting in a lack of obvious value preservation effect. The recycling price is low, the liquidity is poor, and it lacks currency properties, so the hedging and value preservation functions are weak.

4. Pu'er tea, production increased, prices fell. The collapse of the Pu'er tea market in 1992 attracted widespread attention from the tea industry nationwide. Before the collapse, the price of Pu'er tea had soared maliciously, becoming a hot target for speculation. However, with the influx of speculators and the shrinking market demand, the price of Pu'er tea suddenly fell, causing the market to collapse and speculators to lose all their money.

5. Jadeite, consumption downgrade, it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake, no one buys it. Due to the high price of jadeite, the counterfeit market is growing, B-grade jadeite, C-grade jadeite and fake jadeite are emerging in an endless stream, and buying fake jadeite will naturally depreciate. With the development of counterfeiting technology, the types of fake jadeite are becoming more and more numerous, and it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

6. Stamp enthusiasts are getting older, and young people hate this kind of collection from the beginning. Who should they sell it to?

7. Cordyceps sinensis, young people think it is a waste of money. There is no evidence that it has any significant effect, it is more of a psychological value.

8. School district housing, real estate is weak. Even if you pay school selection fees, it is more cost-effective than buying a house. In the future, the population will gradually decrease, about 11 million people per year, and at least 100 million people in ten years. From kindergartens to universities, they will close down one after another, and school district housing will lose its necessity.

9. Education: 12 million undergraduates graduate every year, which seriously exceeds demand. Employment? You think too much.

10. Tibetan mastiffs, once worth millions, are now completely unpopular. The meat of Tibetan mastiffs has no practical value and no one wants it even if it is sent to the slaughterhouse.