I don’t completely hate the view of contract trading and emotional markets, but everyone should know when to stop, instead of letting the entire market live in leverage and form a completely "leveraged market" as it is now, which is something that does more harm to the market than good.

I often give out points in the Binance chat room, and I currently have a 100% win rate. At the beginning of the market, for example, I have provided analysis on currencies such as Ordi, Pepe, and WLD.

Regarding contract trading, my opinion is: although technical analysis can help find the right point in a small market, I do not recommend most people to participate in contract trading. The main reason is the influence of the emotional market. The market is free, and once the position is too large, the risk will also be magnified, leading to disproportionate losses.

For example, last night I observed the market falling in the chat room, and many people started shouting "plunge", and then a big negative line really appeared. At this time, the chat room was very quiet for at least 15 minutes. At this time, I suggested that everyone go long at 2230 points of Ethereum and set a stop loss, but almost no one responded. This is exactly the performance of the emotional market. In such a small market, most people find it difficult to stay calm and their emotions are prone to collapse. And in the next market, I know that Ethereum will break through 2320 with a large volume if it looks at 2282 purely technically.

I think most people are not suitable for leveraged trading. Instead of participating in high-risk contract trading, it is better to buy some popular altcoins at the bottom when the market plummets and do swing trading. It is worth noting that those who really make a fortune through swing trading usually follow the trend and make long-term investments instead of frequent trading. This follows a "time law". I plan to write an article to explain the "logic of investment" in detail later. $BTC