When I was 15, I went to college. My family was poor and I didn’t have much living expenses. My roommate said every day that he had made another 10,000 or 20,000 yuan by speculating in cryptocurrencies. I had never seen so much money at that time. Sure enough, I asked him to take me to play. I took out the 3,000 yuan salary from my internship and invested it. I could have bought a few young models with this money. I didn’t expect that I would lose half of it the next day. I was very depressed at that time. Until one day I bought 30u of Luna to play, and I didn’t expect that my life would be completely changed. I was very busy at that time and didn’t pay much attention. I only remember that my account became more than 50,000 u after a week, which skyrocketed more than 2,000 times. I was so excited at that time!

However, the subsequent contracts have also lost almost all their money. Now I can only play with them. I think Binance Web3’s dappos is pretty good recently!

dappOS is an intention execution network that focuses on simplifying blockchain operations. Through the intention of assets, transactions and applications, it breaks the traditional complex interactions on the chain and enables users to easily and intuitively implement multi-chain operations. dappOS has brought great convenience to the Web3 ecosystem and is promoting the development of the industry.

Asset intention: both benefits and usage:

dappOS allows users to flexibly use assets while earning benefits from them. This "benefit and usage in parallel" approach means that users no longer need to choose between liquidity and benefits, greatly improving the efficiency of capital utilization.

Transaction intention: reducing costs and improving efficiency:

Through transaction intention, dappOS helps users achieve the optimal transaction path and reduce on-chain transaction costs. The system will automatically find the lowest-cost transaction plan for users, making multi-chain operations more efficient and economical, and simplifying the tedious operations of users on different blockchains.

Application intention: cross-chain operations are simpler:

dappOS eliminates the technical barriers for users in multi-chain interactions through application intention. Users do not need to pay attention to the complexity of the underlying blockchain. dappOS encapsulates all processes for it, enabling users to seamlessly operate dApps between multiple blockchains, significantly reducing the threshold for using Web3.

In the future, dappOS will continue to expand its ecosystem, optimize its intention execution network, and promote the large-scale application of Web3. #dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop @dappOS_com