【Analysis on September 6】

Golden September and silver October, if you don’t plan well in September, you will basically miss the market in the second half of the year, pay attention to 2008.

The SAT of the inscription sector is really good, very strong, and it also becomes the burning fee of Uniswap, which has a realistic use scenario.

If there is an opportunity to enter the market at the bottom in the future, the aggressive spot point is: 2665-27 (decimal point is not typed)

Building a position before the rise is the real position.

BTC: The weekend volatile market, after the BTC plunge, the market of the moving average repair, the short-term pressure position is at 54700, the market may continue to fluctuate at a low level, the operation is mainly rebound short, long, unless the pin falls rapidly,

ETH: The trend is coordinated with Bitcoin, as mentioned in the analysis last night, the short-term pressure position is at 2300, there is no good market on the weekend, take a good rest.

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