Two legendary figures in the currency circle, some say they are geniuses, and some say they are crazy. Today we will take a look at their stories.

Xiaoxia, relying on a LTC contract rolling position, made his assets 15 million, and became famous since then. Later, he began to distribute flyers in Shenzhen for rebates, earning more than one million a month. When Xu Mingxing was arrested and OK was banned from withdrawing coins, he doubled his assets to 50 million by 50% off USDT. Although he has experienced many liquidations in his life, he now has 100 million assets to play big A, and has beautiful cars and beautiful women, and lives a life that people yearn for.

Liang Xi, famous for shorting Bitcoin with high leverage, the highest record is to make 20 million in one night with 1,000 principal, and became famous overnight, but due to operational errors, he was subsequently liquidated. However, countless retail investors are willing to support Liang Xi's dream, and have given him funds to operate, and eventually creditors are all over the currency circle. After several failed comebacks, Liang Xi did not get up in the end, and has been sent to prison by creditors, which is a pity.

Everyone has a different understanding of their stories. My feeling is that contracts should not be touched. They can make people crazy or kill people. I recommend a stable dappOS to everyone.

dappOS is an intention asset track project. The product has been launched for several years, and it has investments from Binance, OK, etc., with a valuation of up to 300 million US dollars. It has also reached cooperation with many projects and has the potential to be the head of future intention-related projects.

The cooperation between dappOS and #BinanceWeb3Airdrop this time is an important ecological integration. DappOS users use Binance wallets, and in turn, intention assets will be paid attention to and used by Binance users. The users of both merge with each other and become the first important users of intention assets.

The so-called intention assets are to package funds, and then guarantee the returns of the underlying assets while being able to use them directly. This is an innovation in liquidity. Therefore, intention assets will improve the capital efficiency of Web3, allow funds to circulate fully, and realize the great integration of assets between different chains and protocols. #dappOS意图执行网络