SUI: The journey of holding coins like a widow

Today, let's talk about the basic logic of holding this coin and why this rate of return is sufficient.

1. It comes from the recognition of public chain projects in the past few years. So far, the public chain projects I have participated in have returned at least a dozen times and at most hundreds of times. SUI has already returned ten times, and the probability of holding it at 0 cost is very high!

2. A round of financing of 300 million US dollars, this data beats all previous hot projects, the financing background is extremely strong, and the probability of eventually going out of the circle is very high.

3. The content narrative range is broad, and combined with the previous financing, the pattern is directly opened. As a public chain project, it is currently almost tailor-made for the 100-fold series in terms of configuration! (Of course, the 100-fold I said is from the lowest point to the highest point in the secondary market, don't get me wrong.)

4. The team lineup is extremely luxurious, and the core members are real professionals + professionals, which is in sharp contrast to the wild chicken projects on Twitter that can be seen through at a glance.

5. Technological leadership, the extremely high performance on the chain directly creates a generation gap compared to the current computing. Simply put, it is like entering the 5G era from the 4G era overnight.

6. Total value locked, that is, TVL data, can be simply understood as the amount of funds in the liquidity pool. It has now exceeded 600 million US dollars and is growing. Those who are interested can understand what this data means when it occurs in a new project.

#sui链 #BNBChainMemeCoin #英伟达财报 #以太坊基金会 #新币挖矿DOGS