The cycle you have to know!!!

131 days have passed since the halving, and there are 369 days left until the end of this round of bull market.

According to the 500-day theory,

the first round of the main uptrend should start in October,

the second round in April next year,

the cottage season indicator, the season 18-16.

It is currently in the stage of accumulating power at the bottom of the waterfall.

Firmly bullish, insist on fixed investment

Alas, in this situation, it is better to play more. DappOS can pay attention to it.

The feature of "interest-bearing but unrestricted usage scenarios" of intention assets

From an innovation perspective, this feature brings a new asset model to Web3, which may inspire more innovative applications and business models, and the impact on the industry may be significant. It breaks some of the limitations of traditional assets, provides users with more choices and flexibility, and may attract more users to the Web3 field.

dappOS is expected to become a leading project in the intention-related track in the future

Technical advantages: dappOS may be innovative in technology and can better realize the management and application of intention assets. For example, it provides an efficient interest-bearing mechanism, secure asset storage, and convenient usage scenario switching.

Airdrop jointly organized by dappOS and Binance Web3 wallet

Expand the user base: Airdrop activities can attract more users to understand and use dappOS, increase its number of users and activity.

Increase brand awareness: Cooperating with Binance Web3 wallet to hold events can leverage Binance's brand influence to increase dappOS's visibility in the Web3 industry.

#dappOS意图执行网络 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop @dappOS_com