The crypto market is set to witness a cliff unlocking of $111 million in the coming week, with Aptos (APT) and Starknet (STRK) leading the way in terms of unlocking volume, with $64 million and $25 million respectively.

APT and STRK Lead Next Week's Token Unlocks

Several crypto projects are set to see their circulating supply increase dramatically, totaling $111 million in the coming week. Tokens set to be unlocked include Aptos (APT), Starknet (STRK), Xai (XAI), Render (RENDER), Ethereum (ENA), (IO), and Cyber ​​(CYBER).

Cliff unlocking is the process of periodically unlocking vested tokens to investors, development teams, communities, or other key stakeholders. Typically, token prices tend to fall during unlocks if demand does not keep up with the new supply introduced into the market.

Aptos (APT) and Starknet (STRK) are the two most prominent projects in next week's unlock, with unlock values ​​of $66 million and $25 million respectively.

Source: Token Unlocks

Specifically, Aptos will unlock 11.31 million APT tokens (2.32% of the total supply) next week, with these tokens being distributed to the foundation, community, founders, and private investors. Notably, Aptos Labs also announced that Libre Protocol launched tokenized money market funds on its network on Friday, joining major protocols such as Solana and Near Protocol.

Currently, APT and STRK are down nearly 3% and 2% respectively in the past 24 hours.

Additionally, several other tokens will also increase their circulating supply, including XAI, with 6.3% of its supply, or $6 million, entering the market. In addition, IO, RENDER, and ENA will each add $3 million worth of new tokens to their supply.

Tokens with lower unlock volumes include GMX, PENDLE, and GLMR, with each token expected to release less than $1 million worth of value into circulating supply.
