Buying time, selling time, and choosing a currency are three very important things.

If you are stuck because you didn't buy at the right time before, it means that there is something wrong with your buying time.

If there is a problem, we have to find a way to make up for it and turn losses into profits, instead of lying flat.

The most important thing now is: do you have the ability to judge the time to sell when the peak signal is reached, and how to sell it later? If you don't know how to sell, it is impossible to grasp the entire market.

Is the currency you choose valuable? Do you know it very well? Do you have confidence in it? Where is the point of its future rise?

If you buy it because it has risen well before, and the market has been paying attention to it and saying it is good, so you buy it, then you really have to be careful.

When a casual retail investor who has been losing money recommends a currency to you, you must be careful.