Let’s review the peaks of Bitcoin’s cycles——

The peak of 2012, BTC: MVRV reached a maximum of 2.3

The peak of 2016, BTC: MVRV reached a maximum of 2.2

The peak of 2019, BTC: MVRV reached a maximum of 2.2

The peak of 2024, BTC: MVRV reached a maximum of 2.2

And dappos supported by BN is also worth doing, and it is expected to have good results after the task is completed

dappos intention assets have the advantages of "interest-bearing" and "multi-scenario application", which greatly enhances the flexibility and innovation of Web3. Such assets can not only bring passive income, but also circulate seamlessly in multiple decentralized applications, promote cross-platform collaboration and asset interoperability, and help the development of Web3 ecology.

As a Web3 operating system, dappOS supports the wide application of intention assets with its seamless integration of blockchain networks, cross-chain operation experience, and flexible modular design, and is expected to become a leader in this field. Recently, dappOS and Binance Web3 wallet launched a joint airdrop event to attract more users, enhance the stickiness and loyalty of the platform, further promote the integration of cross-platform assets and services, and accelerate the growth of the Web3 ecosystem#BinanceWeb3Airdrop #dappOS意图执行网络 @dappOS_com