It is very important. It has reached the critical point. There will be non-agricultural data tonight. Pay attention to short-term fluctuations. I looked at a lot of data this morning. Combined with the market, I would like to talk about the current trend expectations. First of all, the price has been falling recently and the market sentiment is pessimistic. The big cake is fluctuating back and forth and harvesting contracts, which has caused the spot cottage to be very poor. Many people's thinking has begun to change to chase short contracts. Or high leverage for shocks, which is also the thinking that the current dealers need to cultivate.

A few days ago, I analyzed with you the main data of the long army of the big B network. From the current point of view, combined with the contract liquidation chart within 24 hours and 7 days, there are some cottage coins in the market that show some resistance to falling. I judge that it is a short-term turning point. Don't chase the short.

① The price is sluggish and only leverage can be magnified to gain profits. The main force is currently cultivating air forces and shock players for subsequent harvesting. In the process of the continuous decline of the big cake, the long positions of the B network have increased by more than 6,000 BTC in the past few days. Ether has also increased but not as much as the big cake.

②24 hours to 7 days of contract liquidation chart, if the big cake falls to around 54000, it can get about 600 million liquidity. This is the only inventory of the bulls at present. On the contrary, after the cultivation of these days, compared with ⑥宭媙: XNTM566 air force positions increased rapidly. If it reaches 6w, it can liquidate nearly 2 billion liquidity. There are 1 billion air force orders around 57500-58000, and the gap between the two sides is too big.

③The current daily line is equivalent to a trend of a secondary test low point. Comprehensive observation of the market shows that some cottages have stopped falling and started to show resistance in batches, because the cottage is currently a large-cycle daily bottom market, and many have fallen back from the last high, so they are not willing to fall too much. The contract rates of most currencies in the market are at a historically low level, and the fear index is also at a low level.

Based on the above judgment, the worst performance is to use the data to get the remaining long stocks near 54,000 at night, then let the market panic and chase the shorts, and then quickly pull back to start harvesting the shorts! Secondly, today's data is positive, directly harvesting the shorts and then slowly fluctuating and falling, and the main position building cycle of has not yet been completed.

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