Daily data, this market is too tiring, it can't fall further, it can't rise, it can't fall further, it can't rise further, it fell 3000 and rebounded 2000, it fell 1500 and rebounded 700 dollars

I'm really speechless, the day before yesterday, it fell from 59800 to 55600, it was so scary

As a result, it rose from 56000 to 58400 in one breath at night, and it didn't fall at all in the middle

It rose straight up maliciously, giving people a feeling that it could reach 59000 and 60000 in a minute, and then it kept falling during the day, falling down

Falling down to around 56000 [kneeling] I really give in, I really give in to the dog dealer

And the unemployment data released tonight is not very good, and the recession suspicion is coming again, really, the first economic recession hype started in July

Until 805 fake black swan suspected economic recession 805 Bitcoin-20%, US stocks-6%, Japanese stocks-12%, and then said that not all rose back. It is September now and the third hype of economic recession has begun.

And this time the decline is not smooth, it just drops a little and then rebounds and then falls again, and then the daily coin price has been at a new low, which is very torturous, not like the market in 2021. In 2021, 60,000-29,000 took only one and a half months and was very smooth. XNTM566 is uncomfortable now. There is no way, and this 55,600 does not look like a big bottom [tears]. I can't see through this market and can't judge it for the time being.

The key point is the US unemployment rate data at 20:30 tomorrow night

Rate cut + good unemployment rate = good

Rate cut + bad unemployment rate = bad (economic recession)

The lower the unemployment rate, the better, the fewer unemployed people, the better, and the more employed people, the better. I don't know how to play here. I will take a rest and wait for the unemployment rate data to be released before talking about it. #Telegram创始人获保释 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 #非农就业数据即将公布 #小非农增幅创3年多新低