Hello friends, good evening. Today is the 119th day of the 2024 Free Family. Today's profit is 15%. No stop loss, full profit. Only sol and reef were traded.

795+15=810%. 190% away from the 1000% target by the end of the year.

I record it every day. You can read it if you like. This is a record sheet for our big family. The daily goal is a stable 5-10% profit. Low leverage. Don't be a gambler. Stability is our purpose. Everyone who comes to the market is not here to give away money. You can't even control the leverage. How can you make money? I'm afraid you are here to make fun of me.

Insist on only sharing for free. Don't be a person who cuts leeks. Welcome to wait and see for a long time. Too sleepy. Go to bed early. Good night #BTC走势分析 #非农就业数据即将公布