Market valuation xec
Today we live in great uncertainty and deterioration of cryptocurrencies, we are millions of people, holders of few coins, but there are a few, but holders of millions of coins perhaps the equivalent of 90% of all coins, who are called 🐋🐋🐋,
These few individuals are the market manipulators, who give prices to their convenience of the currency of the day, using AirDroid, as fishing hooks, to capture small investors to acquire their coins at launch, on projects that have no feasibility and approval from anyone because the crypto world, in a centralized platform of governments, where they do not have regulations, and arbitrators who can supervise them, currently there are few countries that have the regularizations, to encourage this practice.
but we must be the guarantors that this market works
1 do not make any investment in any launch or AirDroid, since at the moment a large investment is made filling the coffers of the founders to later, devalue the currency and lose all the investment, but with your investment, they become whales, and we become losing investors
2 the support from the main exchange platforms must be regulated and supervised
3 I have not seen one of the coins supported in launch, which has maintained its price, they have all dropped
4 Who is most harmed by the declines in the currencies