Although only a few years have passed in 2015, 2017 and 2020 in history, I have become numb just by reading books and posting descriptions, which is far less real than experiencing it in person.

In my personal experience, the pessimism brought about by the series of thousands of stocks hitting the limit in 2015 was even stronger than it is now.

People always like to comment on past events, but when they really discuss them, they are often just hearsay and follow the crowd. In the end, they still evaluate based on their own subjective views, and it is difficult to restore the full picture of the time. People of different ages and experiences will have completely different feelings about the same event.

Things in the past are far from as simple as described in books, let alone as superficial as seen in posts. Although Crypto has consumed a lot of social resources and attention, only BTC and USDT have stood the test of time so far. Although there are not many achievements, their emergence is great enough, and the resources invested are not completely wasted.

Although there is a lot of work to be done at this moment, perhaps new hope is sprouting, and we still have to believe that good things are coming.