Another potential project is launched ⚠️

With the support of many big players and top institutions, it has received more than $5,000 in angel round financing. The investment background is super luxurious, and it has reached cooperation with a series of excellent DeFi projects. Sequoia Capital also participated in the project, and the valuation has reached $3.2 before it was officially launched.

Why does dappOS have such great magic?

The main reason is that the track that intention is taking is very novel, and it is expected to completely change the future direction of web3. Among them, the intention execution network gives a lot of imagination space.

Now go to Binance web3 to simply complete the task to get the qualification of airdrop. This is a very potential project that is worth participating in.

1. How does intention assets affect the web3 industry.

As a universal asset in the dappOS system, intention assets can homogenize a series of equivalent assets in the system, while taking into account the interest-bearing attributes and transaction attributes of assets, taking into account both income and convenience. It also solves the problem of friction in the conversion of similar assets. Through intention assets, conversion no longer requires any cost, and a balance is achieved in terms of asset profitability, availability, convenience, etc., solving problems such as TVL rigidity, bringing users a very comfortable web3 experience, accelerating the industry development of web3, and attracting many potential customers.

2. Why can dappOS become a leading project in the intention-related track in the future

Because it is simple, it is more recognized by the public. At present, many users only use simple transfers when using blockchain. The outbreak of blockchain is still lacking a killer, and the arrival of intention is likely to change this situation. The intention track is committed to changing the on-chain operation logic that assumes that users are experts to assuming that users are all novices, removing complex operations and logic, and providing users with a simpler, more convenient and safer experience, allowing users to easily play on-chain projects.

3. How do the airdrop activities held by dappOS and Binance Web3 wallet promote the ecological development of both parties?

This wave of activities will not only increase the popularity of both parties, but also attract a large number of users to participate, accelerate the ecological development of both parties, and inject new blood into web3.

