Good news, #BTC☀ has finally temporarily gotten rid of the downward trend of#USstocks and rebounded alone.

Currently, the decline of US stocks continues, and the decline of Nasdaq has reached 3%, while BTC has not followed the decline and rebounded slightly.

The rest depends on whether there is still selling pressure after the closing of US stocks. If not, it means that BTC is optimistic at present.

In last week's data, I saw that as the price of BTC fell below 60,000, funds continued to buy, indicating that the price below 60,000 is still attractive to some people.

Today, after verification by Ni Da's data, the number of long-term holders has accumulated to 1.41 million. It should be that these people are still stable buyers as BTC falls, and they have not lost confidence in the market.

Of course, if BTC does not follow the decline at the close of US stocks in the early morning, it is a good thing, but we must also be wary of the stimulation caused by bad news. At present, the only factor that can lead to a decline is sudden bad news.

It's mixed at present!