Will Bitcoin definitely fall in September?

According to historical rules, September is indeed a very difficult month.

But history can only be used as a reference, and it will not be simply repeated, especially since the current selling pressure of the entire market has been almost digested. Going down, the space is getting smaller and smaller.

Unless there is a nuclear bomb-level negative, such as Ethereum or BlackRock's thunder, etc....

Otherwise, it is basically impossible to have a halving-level plunge.

But the future is uncertain, and we must always be prepared for the occurrence of a halving situation.

After the Bitcoin ETF was passed, according to the statistics of Bitcoin ETF inflows and outflows, each time the ETF has continuously outflowed, it will usher in a wave of increases.

This time the ETF has been outflowing for 4 consecutive days, and it continues to be weak. Will it usher in a wave of increases in the next few days?

This situation is very likely to happen.

After all, BlackRock's ETF is still continuously inflowing. As the top of the pyramid in this world, their decisions often represent trends.

​Their holding cost is above 66,000, so what do we have to worry about?

Leave everything to time, and the rest is just to work hard to make money. Don't always stare at the market. It keeps going up and down, and your heart can't take it.