The veterans who have played around in BSC and ETH can basically see through it. For example, when they see Vista, they know it is a swap skin + pool dividend. When they see Pythia, they know it is a clay mine. When they see Sun Ge open the market, they feel that it is over. However, if they judge only based on past experience, they think that everything will return to zero. As a result, it is easy to not dare to go to any of them and fud themselves every day. Because they have suffered too much loss, they think everything is not good. However, I think that no matter whether they are new or old, they must learn to find a way to get a wave of these things because the hot spots in the primary market are constantly reincarnating. Although they will return to zero in the end, there is indeed a chance to get meat by seizing the current hot spots, even if the hot spots are only for a few days. For example, MEME has been popular for a while and everyone has some spare money. At this time, if a coin with some applications comes out, someone is willing to rush in. Therefore, various clay mines, fomo3d, roast beef, and wolf-sheep games in the market will have another round of history lessons. After playing one by one, everyone may look for NFT, gamefi, or a new track to run a circle of funds. Later, they may think that they are all scams. Just go find a legitimate one, maybe you will go for some VC coin

In the end, you will find that VC coin is also a piece of junk, no one will play it, memecoin is better

It is so fair, I will come back to play memecoin

So people with funds always have a demand for new things, even if each thing is essentially the same

It seems to be playing new things, but in fact it is always a history lesson

Why do newcomers often make money? I think the important reason is that everything is new to them, and they dare to go ahead and rush

On the contrary, old people who have been playing for a long time tend to shrink back and dare not take positions in order to protect their capital, resulting in watching others make money

So even if it is all bubbles, we have to take a wave from the bubbles before leaving