How to get out of a trap when you are stuck during a transaction? [Follow! Reference!]


Unlocking, as a term in the currency circle, refers to selling the currency to recover funds when the currency price rises to the purchase price. Only by learning to set a trap can you truly learn to hunt; only by learning to unlock a trap can you truly understand currency speculation.

The following are two methods of unlocking.

1. Active unlocking strategy

1. Cut positions

If you find that buying is a serious mistake, especially when buying at the peak of the previous surge, you need to have the determination to cut positions in time to ensure the safety of funds. There are many opportunities in the currency market. As long as the funds are not greatly damaged, you can always make it back.

2. Currency exchange

When the currency in your hand is stuck and is in a weak position and still has room for decline, if you accurately judge that another currency has a large room for growth in the future and a stronger trend, you can decisively exchange stocks and offset the losses of the old currency with the profits of the new currency.

3. Short selling

When it is determined that you are deeply trapped and cannot cut your position, and there is room for the market or a certain currency to fall further in the future, you can use short selling to sell the locked currency first and buy it back at a lower price to effectively reduce the cost.

2. Passive unwinding strategy

1. Flattening

When the purchase price is not high or you are firmly optimistic about the future market, you can use the flattening technique. However, ordinary investors' funds can usually only withstand one or two flattenings, so the timing of flattening is crucial.

2. Flattening

When you are deeply trapped in a full position, you can neither cut your losses nor make up for your position, so you can only wait passively. As long as it is your own money, not borrowed or loaned, you have the patience to wait.

Do not be emotional and break the pot, blindly make up for your position, or easily cut your losses and do it in a mess. Being trapped is not terrible. Sometimes you will not make money if you are not trapped, but you may make a lot of money if you are trapped. Therefore, do not simply regard being trapped as a disaster. If you deal with it properly, it is entirely possible to turn it into an opportunity.