[China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association firmly opposes Canada's imposition of additional tariffs on aluminum products imported from China] Jinshi Data reported on September 2 that on August 26, 2024, the Canadian government issued an announcement that it would impose an additional tariff of 25% on some aluminum products from China from October 15. The China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this. The trade and cooperation between the aluminum industries of China and Canada are completely benefited from the development needs of upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chains of the two countries, and are completely based on the principle of full and fair marketization. China's exports of aluminum products to Canada have not only not caused damage to Canada, but have been welcomed by downstream customers and users in Canada. It is hoped that the Canadian side will immediately correct its wrong practices. The China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, on behalf of Chinese aluminum industry enterprises, will firmly defend the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and firmly safeguard the multilateral trading system based on free trade and WTO rules. (China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association) (Reprinted from: Jinshi Data)