🚨ETH's prospects are worrying! The six sins of the Ethereum Foundation are exposed, and the long-term return to zero is imminent!

Last night, the Ethereum Foundation made trouble again! Transferring nearly 100 million US dollars of ETH to the exchange, the market was in an uproar. Do you think this is just a simple cash out? In fact, behind this is the tip of the iceberg of corruption and incompetence of the foundation! ETH market share has plummeted by 32.5% since the end of 2021

🔻 Ethereum's future is bleak, long-term bearish, and zeroing is not a dream! Don't be blinded by short-term fluctuations, the real crisis has already arrived.

🔥 Pay attention to Jiaoshou, avoid traps, and capture the truth of the market!

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