Durov was released on bail, but cannot leave France.

Perhaps our previous speculation may be true, that is, this arrest is just a play of coordination and compromise between the two parties.

One wants freedom, the other wants to obtain regulatory data, and they are just running in both directions.

In fact, only private chat messages can be encrypted end-to-end and destroyed in time, while other methods cannot, so these evidences became the reason for Durov's arrest.

However, we must believe in Durov's ability and courage, as well as his yearning for the pursuit of freedom.

Previously, we have always suggested that everyone reduce their positions in ton.

This time, ton was very stable and has been fluctuating around 5.5. This project has been mentioned countless times by Thirteen, so I won't repeat it here.

But it is definitely not as stable as the value of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Time has told us their value.

As for ton, if you think the risk is high, then don't invest. If you are willing to take risks, then please control your position and limit it to less than 10%. Thirteen is probably controlled at 5%, which you can refer to.

The final outcome of Durov's arrest is likely to be a fine + a few months in prison.

The routine and process are roughly the same as CZ.