The blockchain Kaia, jointly built by Kakao and LINE, two major communication software companies in Asia, was officially launched on the main network today (29th). The official press release reads that Kaia is unveiled as the world’s fastest and most efficient EVM blockchain, “with one-second certainty, ultra-low gas fees, and support from Asia’s leading Web3 partners such as Kakao and LINE NEXT ”.

According to previous reports by Zombit, Kakao’s public chain Klaytn and LINE’s public chain Finschia jointly proposed a mainnet merger proposal to their respective governance members and communities as early as January this year, with the goal of merging Klaytn and Finschia to create Asia’s leading block. chain and accelerate the large-scale application of Web3 in Asia.

Kaia blockchain aims to solve Web3 user experience and distribution challenges through deep integration with Kakao and LINE messaging applications. The ultimate goal is to build an ecosystem that supports DeFi (decentralized finance), games, real-world assets, and Web3-based instant messaging applications.

According to the official introduction, the Kaia blockchain is a hard fork of the Klaytn chain rather than a brand new mainnet. The KLAY token will be rebranded into the Kaia chain’s native token KAIA, but due to the merger of Klaytn and Finschia, the supply will There will be some changes. Klaytn wallet or third-party multi-chain wallet (such as Metamask) will be able to be used on the Kaia chain, but the RPC and block explorer URL will need to be updated. Official information will be released later.

Recruit developers

In terms of specific implementation, Kaia hopes to enable developers to create small decentralized applications (dApps) on the LINE instant messaging application through its NEXT WEB software development kit (SDK), intending to create a "Telegram-style native application integration" ”. Kaia said:

"Leveraging Kaia's low transaction latency, account abstraction, and fee delegation capabilities, developers can create an end-to-end seamless user experience and extend their reach to hundreds of millions of LINE users in Asia."

To achieve this goal, Kaia Wave, a funding program to provide support to developers, will also be launched with the launch of the mainnet. Eligible teams using the NEXT WEB SDK will receive $1.2 million worth of marketing, technical and business support.
