Bombshell! 6 major tokens were suddenly delisted by Binance


On the 26th, Binance suddenly issued a shocking announcement, announcing the official delisting of six cryptocurrencies from its trading platform - CVP, EPX, FOR, LOOM, REEF and VGX. This move was due to the fact that these tokens failed to continue to meet Binance's strict listing standards and requirements. This decision was like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, which quickly set off an uproar in the market, causing the prices of related cryptocurrencies to suffer heavy losses in a short period of time, with some falling as much as 40%.

As a leader in the industry, Binance has always been responsible to investors and regularly conducts comprehensive and detailed audits of crypto assets on its platform. This process not only considers the professionalism, execution and credibility of the project team, but also pays close attention to the activity of trading volume and the security and stability of the blockchain network. Once a token fails to meet these high standards, Binance will take decisive action to remove it from the platform.

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