The idea of ​​long orders for Bitcoin and Ethereum retracement. Bitcoin is weak overall. Ethereum successfully reaches the target position.

The idea of ​​long orders for Bitcoin and Ethereum retracement that was deployed again last night. Ethereum successfully reached the target of 2550. Bitcoin is weak overall. It defends 58000 and 2450. Ethereum has not reached the stop loss position. Our instant trading customers also insist on holding it while operating synchronously. When Bitcoin reaches the target position later, the small profit space is not large. The overall space of Ethereum is not bad. All the previous posts are visible. Congratulations to friends who follow up. The specific guidance is mainly real-time.

In fact, friends who followed the idea yesterday publicly laid out three orders yesterday. The first two orders of retracement long orders all took up space, and the previous ones also issued stop profit notices in time. The last order had a little twists and turns, but it still persisted to the end. #加密市场急跌 #美联储何时降息? #内容挖矿