$DOGS 's rise is really good 🍺, directly from 0.0012 to 16. I don't know how many short positions have been liquidated! ! Now at this point, everyone doesn't know whether to enter. But listen to me, don't worry, because there is a high possibility of a sharp rise or even a sharp fall next! ! !

The reason for the rise was the false news that the founder of Telegram was released, so DOGS, $TON all rose. But from this notice, the time of 9 o'clock in Moscow should correspond to 2 o'clock in the morning of the 29th Beijing time. If this notice is true, it means that there may be news about whether he will be released at 2 o'clock! So don't worry, the market is temporarily stable at 15, and everyone will enter the market when the news is true. As for those who have arranged in the morning, just hold it now!

In the long run, I personally think that DOGS may become the leading meme of this round, just like the previous $PEPE . There is a high probability that it will become a 100x coin like $DOGE and $SHIB!

In addition, there are @Gravity $G

G coin holders can enjoy economic benefits, such as capital appreciation brought by price increases, transaction fee reductions and possible dividend rewards. Specific rights include function unlocking and membership.

The Gravity chain shows a bright future prospect, with leading technology and continuous innovation, and is committed to building a prosperous ecosystem to meet the market's urgent needs for efficient, secure and scalable blockchain solutions. At the same time, the Gravity chain shows unique competitive advantages in the competition between parallel EVM chains and non-EVM chains.

Galxe, supported by Gravity, is also worth looking forward to in the future. Galxe will focus on product innovation and continuously launch new products and services that meet the diverse needs of users. At the same time, through ecological expansion, it will establish close relationships with more partners to jointly promote the development and application of blockchain technology. In terms of market layout, Galxe will actively expand overseas markets to enhance brand influence and market share. In addition, Galxe will continue to invest in research and development to maintain its technological leadership and lead the trend of industry development.

#加密市场急跌 #Telegram创始人被捕 #币安Web3钱包 #GravityAlphaMainnet #Gravity先行主网上线