Just now, a friend asked me how to set the stop loss during the live broadcast. The live broadcast was too slow, so I will explain it briefly in words.

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The stop loss position is based on your entry logic. When your entry logic is broken, it is time for you to stop loss.

For example, your entry logic is the right breakthrough of the box. Then when you find that this is a false breakthrough and the original entry logic is broken (wrong), you can do a stop loss.

Stop loss is simple, but entering the market is difficult.

Many friends don’t know how to do stop loss. It’s not that they don’t know how to do stop loss, but they don’t know how to enter the market. When entering the market, they feel full frequency, and when they have floating losses, they are at a loss. They don’t know whether to stop loss or not. It seems that there is support at any position. Once the amount of loss is too large, they are even more reluctant to cut their losses, which leads to mistakes on top of mistakes!