There is only one bitcoin left from the bitcoins I mined ten years ago. I mined bitcoins for several months in the summer of 2011, and mined 100 bitcoins in total. I sold 92 of them and kept eight as souvenirs.

Later, I was short of money, so I sold six of them for 4,000 RMB each. I owed half a year for my dormitory fees when I was studying abroad, and I would drop out if I didn't pay the tuition.

Later, I was short of money again, and my credit card was maxed out, so I sold another one for more than 10,000 RMB.

Now there is only one left.

Recently, I also mined Ethereum, plus a free BCH, which can be regarded as a memory of more than ten years of digital currency.

If I was not so short of money, I might have kept eight. Unfortunately, as an ordinary person, there are not many opportunities to turn things around. I asked my parents for help to buy a house 10 years ago, but the house price rose and I was forced to sell it half a year ago by my parents. I didn't make even 100,000 RMB from the 700,000 RMB house after four years of hoarding it. Now it has increased two or three times.

It is really difficult to turn things around if you are poor. If you want to turn things around, you have to have some capital. Those who could spend 20,000 yuan of spare money to buy coins 10 years ago probably don't need to turn things around.

In fact, my friends who mined coins together in 2011 didn't have many coins left.

Of course, from the day I started mining coins, I was very happy to be able to eat pie in the sky. It's all free money, why should I be sad? The only thing that makes me sad is that I have been poor for ten years. #Telegram创始人被捕 #加密市场急跌 #以太坊基金会