Today is August 28. Pavel Durov's detention by the French authorities is coming to an end, and the world is holding its breath in anticipation of the next step. Durov's arrest could be extended if additional evidence is found, or he could be charged with money laundering and illegal activities via Telegram.

If released due to lack of evidence, the future of Telegram and related projects such as TON and NOTCOIN remains in question. There are concerns that the pressure on Durov may be part of a global game against independent crypto ecosystems. If charges are brought, it could seriously affect these projects, putting their future at risk.

On the other hand, if he is released due to a lack of grounds for further detention, it could be taken as a sign that the pressure on Durov and his projects has failed. Regardless of the outcome, however, this incident raises many questions about the influence of state structures on independent tech platforms and the future of internet freedom.

#durov #Telegram #paveldurov #ПаĐČĐ”Đ»Đ”ŃƒŃ€ĐŸĐČ #Ń‚Đ”Đ»Đ”ĐłŃ€Đ°ĐŒĐŒ