On August 24, 2024, the world was shocked by the news of the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. However, some details of the incident raise questions and suggest that Durov may have been aware of the upcoming arrest and may even have prepared some kind of action plan.

Preliminary circumstances

According to French media, the arrest was made on the basis of a warrant issued by the OFMIN agency, which is responsible for preventing violence against minors. Durov is accused of failing to control the use of Telegram for criminal purposes, including fraud, cyberbullying, drug trafficking and organized crime. However, the question arises: why did Durov, aware of the seriousness of these charges and being one of the most wanted people in certain circles, still come to France, knowing about the possible consequences?

Knowledge of detention

Many are wondering whether Durov was aware of the upcoming arrest. The situation seems even more mysterious if you consider that the Telegram founder is known for his caution and ability to avoid difficult situations. He has repeatedly changed his location to avoid pressure from authorities in different countries. So why did he decide to travel to a country where he could end up under arrest?

One possible answer is that Durov knew about the upcoming arrest, but went to Paris anyway. Perhaps he has a plan that has yet to be revealed. Some conspiracy theorists believe that Durov may have deliberately provoked the arrest to draw attention to certain issues, such as privacy and freedom of speech, which he has always defended.

Staging an arrest?

There is also a theory that the arrest could have been staged by Durov himself or his entourage. This could have served a specific purpose, such as drawing attention to Telegram and the fight for internet freedom. Interestingly, Elon Musk, one of the most influential people in the tech world, quickly supported Durov on social media, which may indicate a concerted effort between the two famous entrepreneurs.

Possible consequences

If the theory that Durov is prepared for arrest is true, then we can expect further developments, possibly related to new initiatives or statements that will further increase his influence in the world of technology and politics. In any case, we can only watch how events develop and wait for official statements from Durov or his representatives.

The world continues to follow this case, and perhaps we will soon learn more about Pavel Durov's real motives and what lies behind this mysterious arrest.

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