$ICP Telegram: What is the truth in the encryption fog under global attention?
In the vast starry sky of encrypted communication, $ICP Telegram claims to be the most extensive territory with hundreds of millions of users, but its true face is intriguing. It is not an encryption fortress in the traditional sense, but a free boat helmed by the tough founder Durov, who resolutely rejected Putin's authority and faced the scrutiny of the FBI. However, similar to WeChat, every conversation on Telegram lies quietly in the depths of the server in plain text, waiting for possible scrutiny - time, place, words, nothing can escape.
Durov's persistence stems from his dedication to privacy protection. He refuses to become a peeper under the hands of power. Although this courage has won him countless praises, it has also attracted the shadow of heavy criticism and sanctions, and even faced a 20-year prison life. But it is this unyielding that makes the name of Telegram's encryption, in a sense, transcend the technology itself and become a symbol of spirit.
However, when it comes to the true art of encryption, blockchain technology is unique in the world with its decentralized and tamper-proof characteristics. In this technological desert, the ICP chain is like a shining pearl, pushing the boundaries of encryption to the extreme with its unique data storage method. ICP data is scattered on data nodes around the world like stars. Any attempt to erase or tamper with all nodes at the same time is nothing but a pipe dream. Therefore, the encryption kingdom built by the ICP chain has become an indestructible existence in theory, making the word "cracking" an unattainable legend.
In this way, although $ICP Telegram is called an encrypted communication software, it actually contains a more complex and profound encryption philosophy and struggle history. The real encryption technology, represented by the ICP chain in the wave of blockchain, silently guards the secrets and freedom of every digital world.