Bitcoin fell back after reaching 65,000 📉ETH continued to be weak, and the Ethereum Foundation sold 30,000 Ethereum‼ ️‼ ️Will the expansion of the Middle East war trigger a new round of decline⁉️

A huge market outbreak, Bitcoin's 5,000-point surge from beginning to end, ETH's bottom 2540 posted 5 days in advance to go long, and directly predicted the top 2820 to go short, and both long and short were taken

ETH has now fallen to 2680 after shorting at 2820, and stopped profit at 140 points. For the current market, it actually rose too fast and it is normal to pull back. The short position 2820 was also made. Since the short position was stopped later, I will lead everyone to do long positions. At present, the focus is on the support of 2652 and 2610. You can pay attention to the support situation. If it holds up, the rise will continue📈



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