The method of unwinding the currency circle depends on the position status, currency trend, degree of lock-in and future market expectations.

Common ways to unwind include quick cuts, high sell and low buy, downward flattening and short hedging.

Quick cuts suggest timely stop loss and exit when the currency shows a clear downward trend;

High sell and low buy can use the shock trend to reduce or cover positions;

Downward flattening suggests continuous increase in buying as prices fall to average costs;

Short hedging can hedge by shorting the same or related currencies in the contract market. The prerequisite for unwinding is clear thinking and decisive operation. Don't blindly chase ups and downs, don't be greedy and fearful, and don't worry about gains and losses.

Effectively control positions and risks, set stop profits and stop losses, don't rely too much on technical indicators and news, and combine your own analysis and judgment. In the currency circle, unwinding requires flexible response and rational decision-making to successfully get out of trouble.