As the founder of Telegram and the founder of the TON (Telegram Open Network) ecosystem, Pavel Durov's detention has attracted widespread attention. The French authorities decided to extend his detention for 96 hours, which may mean the importance and complexity of the relevant investigation. The views are as follows:

1. Impact on the TON ecosystem The TON ecosystem has made some progress in the blockchain field. If Durov's detention leads to instability in the project leadership, it may have a negative impact on TON's development progress, community confidence, and investor sentiment. If the investigation results involve illegal activities, the TON ecosystem may face more severe regulatory crackdowns and market volatility.

2. Regulatory and legal risks Durov's detention may mean that regulatory scrutiny of Telegram and its related blockchain projects will intensify. The blockchain field itself is under high scrutiny from governments around the world, especially in terms of finance, privacy, and cybersecurity. This incident may attract the attention of more countries and promote the introduction of stricter regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies and blockchains. If Durov is formally charged or convicted, the founders of other blockchain projects may also face stricter legal supervision and scrutiny, especially when the project involves cross-border capital flows.

3. Short-term impact on the cryptocurrency market TON tokens and their related assets may be negatively impacted, especially with the possibility of price volatility in the short term. Investor sentiment tends to react strongly to news events like this, especially in the current market environment. At the same time, investors in other blockchain projects may also be cautious for the time being, waiting for further developments.

4. Long-term impact on the Web3 industry This incident may push the Web3 field to accelerate the process of compliance, and more projects may take potential legal and regulatory risks into account in their development. At the same time, the development and promotion of decentralized technologies may be more cautious, and project teams may pay more attention to legal issues and partner selection.

5. Industry reaction and community support If Durov's detention is seen as unfair or excessive, it may inspire strong reactions and support from the blockchain and Web3 communities. Similar incidents are not uncommon in the crypto industry, and the community tends to sympathize with and support the legal plight of founders or projects. #ton