DOGS is a memecoin built on The Open Network (TON) and has gained traction within the Telegram community. As of August 20, 2024, the total supply of $DOGS is 550 billion tokens. Upon its listing, 516.75 billion tokens, or 93.95% of the total supply, will be in circulation. This wide distribution upon launch suggests a strong community backing and aims to ensure liquidity in the market.Being born within the Telegram community, $DOGS taps into the platform’s large and engaged user base, which could drive its adoption and potential use cases. Memecoins like $DOGS often rely on community enthusiasm and viral potential, which the Telegram ecosystem can provide.While memecoins are often viewed as speculative assets, their success often hinges on community engagement and marketing. $DOGS appears to be leveraging these aspects to create a strong presence within the TON ecosystem. However, like other memecoins, its value will largely depend on how well it can maintain and grow its community over time.#DogecoinCommunity #DogeForever #tonfuture #tonecoin #VOTEme