Many people are ready to buy TON at the bottom after seeing the founder of TG being arrested:

It is recommended to buy at the bottom but not hold for a long time: 

1. TON’s biggest expectation before was to be listed on Binance, which has been fulfilled.

2. TON’s price includes the expectation of the ecosystem. Now that the founder has been arrested, it is difficult for ecological projects to be listed on Binance.

3. Several heavyweight projects in the ecosystem have been listed on Binance. In fact, after several telegram users have been collected, they are almost there, and there is no rush to list more projects.

4. Looking back at the various altcoins that were sued by the SEC before, and the historical trend of BNB after CZ was pledged, after a rebound, they are all weak for a long time, and even fall below the price after the news. The current price is not the real bottom.