Top 10 tricks of the leeks in the cryptocurrency circle!!!

How many of them do you have?

1. Always buy coins based on rumors.

2. Frequent buying and selling, chasing when the price goes up and selling when the price goes down.

3. When the market is good, run away after making a little profit, but when the market is falling, hold on and don’t want to cut losses, always thinking that it will rebound.

4. No matter when, the position is full.

5. Feel panic when the price drops, afraid of being trapped.

6. Occasionally make a profit, think you are an investment genius.

7. Invest a large amount without knowing anything.

8. When it comes to currency, only know a few English letters, don’t know the background and application of tokens.

9. Only believe what you want to believe, and don’t listen to anything else.

10. Wait for a callback in the beginning of the bull market, think there will be a waterfall in the middle of the bull market, and chase the high at the end of the bull market.

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