Russian Deputy Speaker Vladislav Davankov has urged Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to facilitate the release of Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram. Davankov expressed concerns that Durov's detention might be politically motivated and potentially used as leverage to access sensitive information from Telegram users. He emphasized that such actions are unacceptable and called for Durov's immediate release.

Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram and founder of the TON Ecosystem, was arrested in France just days before the $DOGS token airdrop. Russian Deputy Speaker Vladislav Davankov suspects the arrest may be politically motivated, potentially aimed at accessing Telegram users' data.

The arrest comes at a critical time as the TON Ecosystem is rapidly expanding, onboarding millions into the crypto and Web3 space. This move could disrupt the ecosystem's momentum, especially with $DOGS and Notcoin tokens at the forefront of this growth.

Durov recently revealed that the FBI tried to recruit a Telegram engineer to install a backdoor for U.S. intelligence, adding to suspicions that his arrest might be part of a broader effort to undermine TON's disruptive potential.

As TON approaches a critical phase, Durov's arrest could significantly impact its future. The coming days will reveal whether this will slow down the ecosystem's progress or galvanize the community to push forward.

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