Shooting Star, also known as Meteor Line, has the same shape as Inverted Hammer Line, but the position is different. Shooting Star has the following morphological characteristics:

First, the body is very short and located at the lower end of the entire price range

Second, there is no lower shadow, or the lower shadow is very short.

Third, the upper shadow is very long, at least twice the length of the body.

Fourth, it is located at the top of an upward trend.

Shooting Star usually appears in an upward market. After the opening of the day, the bulls still maintain their advantages and raise the price sharply at the beginning. When the price rises to a certain extent, the bears begin to exert their strength. They counterattack through a large number of selling orders, and finally suppress the price to the opening price at the closing. The shape of the shooting star shows that the bears have entered the market to a certain extent and began to show strength; the strength of the bulls and bears is changing, and the market will fall in the future.

Shooting Star indicates that the market will weaken. It can be a positive line or a negative line; among them, the negative line contains a more obvious hint of decline. If the trading volume on the day of the Shooting Star signal is large, the possibility of a decline in the future will also increase.

(1) The reversal signal of the Shooting Star is not very strong, so investors need to determine the reliability of this signal based on the K-line pattern before or after the pattern.

(2) In the ideal Shooting Star pattern, there is a price gap between the body of the Shooting Star and the body of the previous K-line; the larger the gap, the greater the possibility of a reversal.

(3) If the second day after the Shooting Star appears is a strong decline, it means that the bears have begun to dominate. At this time, investors should decisively reduce their positions.

(4) After seeing the Shooting Star signal, investors can sell part of their positions and pay attention to its trend. If the currency enters a continuous decline in the future, then they should decisively cut their positions and stop losses; if the price rises again after a few days and breaks through the top of the upper shadow of the Shooting Star, it means that the bulls have gathered their strength again, and this forms a bullish vanguard pattern, and the market outlook is bullish. Investors can make a cover operation