Now the prices of BTC and SOL have returned. The more ETH is liquidated, the stronger the second half of the bull market will be. However, many people have lost their positions in 805. As I said before, the bull market will always be a bull market for the minority. After violent deleveraging, the second half of the bull market will be more intense. The second half of the altcoin season is coming. But most people still can't make money. The essence of so many altcoins on the daily increase list is to deceive people to chase high prices. The dealer intervenes in the operation just to sell the coins to you at a high price. The surge in small altcoins is all for dealers to make money. Whose money is it? It's yours, that is, the money of retail investors. How many people in the currency circle can make money in the long run? Everyone has made money, but few can make money all the time. The reason is that you will definitely lose if you play against the dealer, it's a matter of time; but it's different if you play with the dealer, the winning rate must be much more reliable than your so-called feeling. From the perspective of probability, the maximum winning rate of playing by yourself is only 50%

The dealer will generally look for small-scale and low-heat copycat coins

First, draw a bigger pie, such as the recent inscription sats, and then negotiate the price with the project party, buy most of the chips in your own hands with multiple exchange accounts, and then go to the exchange to pull the market, while pulling and selling, and sell it to retail investors at a high price. Finally, you buy the air coin that the dealer gave you at a high price

The more chips in the dealer's hands, the greater its pricing power

As long as you can put the coin at the same low opening price as it, he will have no way to deal with you, unless he gives up this coin to pull the market #杰克逊霍尔年会 #新币挖矿DOGS