【Saturday morning mainstream market analysis】

On Friday, the market went straight to 65⚠️, and the retracement was like drizzle, which really hit the 🈳 army hard, but it was not surprising that when it broke through 61 at 3 am on August 22, I was very optimistic about the further rise in the future 📈, so 🔥any retracement is to pave the way for the rise. This is exactly what we have emphasized many times-there will be a pull-up after a strong correction.

From the technical structure, the rapid retracement after the four-hour pin is only given to us. We can only say that we can see it but not touch it⚠️. The market sentiment on the weekend can be said to be very general, without much confidence and motivation for the market. In addition, the US stock market is resting, so don’t make big expectations in the next two days🙏 Just go and see the short-term resistance. "65‼️" Once it breaks, it will be 7 figures after half a month of soft grinding.

Although the madam did not say it explicitly, there is a saying that we 🇨🇳 like to do reading comprehension the most. His speech is a bit obscure and does not need to be over-understood. The daily K has broken through the previous pressure range. The news is just a medium for breakthrough. If you really want to stand firm, you still need to accumulate day by day.

Operation ideas for this trading day

[Big Pie]

63 long

Target 65 stabilization

Defense 62

Break 7#杰克逊霍尔年会 #新币挖矿DOGS #MtGox钱包动态 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿TON $BTC $ETH