The Dogs team reminds: there are three hours left to claim your DOGS on crypto exchanges and Telegram wallet. After today, we remind you, those who are late will only be able to claim their tokens on non-custodial wallets like Tonkeeper.

By the way, the Telegram custodial crypto wallet, like Binance, promises a bonus for claiming their tokens on their platform.

True, if#Binancegave a very specific announcement (+20,000 tokens to the first 500 thousand users and +10,000 tokens to everyone else), then with the Telegram Wallet everything is abstract. There is only a general prize volume and nothing about the distribution details. In short - bonus#DOGSwill be given for choosing a wallet for the claim, for storing in the TON wallet and for some activity.

Full announcement:

We withdraw our tokens to both Binance and Telegram Wallet. So you will be able to compare which is more profitable.