Ethereum ETH is starting to gain momentum! There is still more room for further gains!

  When Bitcoin was 60,000 before, Ethereum was 3,000. Now Bitcoin is 61,000, while Ethereum is only over 2,600, with 15% room for further gains. The market will always fill gaps.

  Don't rush after buying Ethereum. You will know from the last cycle that it is a high-Beta asset. It falls hard in a bear market and rises sharply in a bull market. By the end of this year and the beginning of next year, you will see that all kinds of ICOs, pre-sales, and points all require ETH. Coupled with the bull market Defi leverage, the bull market will be very fierce.

  So Ethereum is a long-term asset and cannot make you quick money in the short term, but it will be no problem to reach 10,000 u next year, especially when Prague is upgraded at the end of this year and the beginning of next year, the price will double every time it is upgraded.

#btc #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥