#Are you happy? 🌚😁🤦‍♂️

When I asked this question, I couldn't help but think of the jokes CCTV interviewed on the street many years ago!

Recently, I read the topic of happiness in "Navarre's Treasure Book", and then I thought seriously about the word happiness!

In the morning, my daughter shook her brother and said, wow... school will start in two days, and I haven't played enough!

Pretending to be very reluctant and exaggerated!

The teasing made the brother laugh hahaha. In his opinion, this moment seemed to be a game, just playing, interesting!

Looking back and thinking about the growth of the child, he has become taller and more handsome, but the smile on his face is getting less and less!

The chubby and smiling appearance when he was a child has shrunk more and more!

I used to think that this is the case. As people grow older, they understand more, have more things to do, have more thoughts, and have more emotions, so people become more restrained, stable, and rich!

The smile on the face that expresses happiness is also less!

Under Navarre's guidance, I have a deeper understanding.

We always think that happiness is based on material foundations. The more I have in reality, the happier I am! For example, money... Yes, it is undeniable that money can solve many problems and free us from certain levels of distress!

But you will find that when we strive to achieve one goal after another, more so-called goals will emerge. To put it bluntly, there is no end to desire. We are entangled in the pursuit of success and wealth, hoping that one day when I retire and become free, I can play happily and be happy!

Why can children be happy with a simple action?

A two-yuan car toy can be played for an afternoon?

Think about it carefully, that's because they don't think too much, just immersed in the present time!

As long as he has this toy, this interaction, and a moment to participate in it, they enjoy it and blend into it heartlessly, so they are happy and smiling!

So, personal experience:

Happiness is to have it in the present, to be immersed in the present, and it is a feeling in the process! Instead of self-righteously pursuing a goal or a result in the future!

What do you think? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

#幸福 #你幸福吗