💰bnb shovel is here again

💯Is your bnb-style fdusd already producing?

🔥ton and dogs are not produced at the same time,

so my personal suggestion

Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, use bnb or fdusd to mine DOGS first,

After three days, continue to fight for Ton

Because dogs only lasts for three days, there should be a good harvest

Ton can still be mined for 11 days

🔥DOGS token mining starts tomorrow, August 23, 00:00 (UTC).

Will be launched on August 26 at 12:00 (UTC)

DOGS token maximum supply: 550,000,000,000

Initial circulation: 516,750,000,000 DOGS (93.95% of the total token supply)

Total mining: 22,000,000,000 DOGS (4% of the maximum token supply)

🔥DOGS Token Economics DOGS releases token economics in the Telegram community

The total supply of DOGS is 550,000,000,000,

Of which: 1. 81.5% belongs to the community (no lock): - 73% belongs to Telegram OGs,

They earn DOGS in the application;

- The rest is used to reward traders, creators and future community members;

2. 10% is allocated to the team and future development;

3. 8.5% is reserved for CEX and DEX liquidity and listing-related activities. How DOGS (DOGS) Works Join the DOGS Community Getting started with DOGS is easy and fun.

🔥Here is a step-by-step guide to join the DOGS community and earn tokens:1. Join Dogs Bot: Join Dogs Bot on Telegram.

2. Start the bot: Once you join, click the "Start" button. The bot will guide you through the process.

3. Check your Telegram usage: The bot will ask you to verify how long you have been using Telegram.

The longer you use it, the more DOGS tokens you will receive. 4. Get your DOGS tokens: After verifying your usage, the bot will reward you with DOGS tokens based on your Telegram activity.

5. Share with friends: Tell your friends about Dogs Bot. The more people join, the stronger the community becomes, which may increase the value of the DOGS token. #新币挖矿DOGS #MtGox钱包动态 #美联储何时降息? #新币挖矿TON #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落