How to get out of a dilemma when the order is in trouble? Here comes the solution!

1. Do not cut your losses hastily. The fluctuations in the persimmon market are cyclical, and the opportunity for reversal may soon appear. If the capital chain is stable, you may as well wait and see. The book loss is not the actual loss, so don't panic.

2. Clearly define the limit of stop loss. Once it is touched, stop loss immediately and leave the market to avoid expanding losses. Wait for the persimmon market to pull back, wait for an opportunity to re-enter, make up for the loss through new transactions, and even turn losses into profits.

3. Short-term traders need to keenly capture the dynamics of the persimmon market. Once the trend is unfavorable, quickly clear the market, leave at a small loss, and control risks first.

4. Diversify investments and allocate funds to various varieties and markets to reduce overall risks. In-depth analysis of market fundamentals and technical aspects, accurately grasp trend changes, and make more wise investment decisions.

Summary: Danzi must stay calm when it is trapped. Emotional management is the key to the persimmon market game. Stick to the plan, don't be moved by short-term fluctuations, and move forward steadily.

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